Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sending children in Uganda to school...

Send a Ugandan child to School
Did you know that something as simple as waste paper has the power to educate children and transform lives? To find out how you can help transform paper beads into livelihood, dignity and the possibility of a future for several children and their mothers in Uganda, read on…

Ugandan jewellery, for the ‘beauty’ with a heart…Colourful beads that add a dash to any outfit. Modern yet ethnic, cool yet classy, hip and young, simple yet powerful. Essentially, chic.

This jewellery is made from paper beads. Poor women in Uganda transform colourful recycled paper into jewellery beads. They cut tapering strips from colourful magazines, old calendars, brochures, cereal boxes and all sorts of colourful paper they can find. Each bead is neatly rolled from this strip of paper and glued, after which the beads are slightly varnished. These beads are then strung into beautiful patterns and designs to make necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other accessories.

Because more than 500 people make these bead-ornaments, standard sizes and colours vary which makes every piece unique. Each ornament reflects the uniqueness of the hands which made them.

Accessories could enhance any woman’s beauty, but this jewellery is especially for the ‘beauty’ with a heart.

Income from the sales of this jewellery becomes medicine and food for these households and enables the women to send their children to schools. These beads hold a future for these women and their children. All they ask from you is a chance to earn it.

To find out how you can help, visit our website at and join our Facebook cause at

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